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Just pay $30/month for a faster web browser that consumes less battery?

Regardless of how much web browsers improve, it seems like they can't keep pace with everything we want to do. Open one too many tabs on a couple of year-old laptops, and the fan starts spinning, and battery life dips, your system starts to slow. A faster or cleaner PC may fix it; however, Mighty's startup has a diverse idea: a $30-a-month web browser that lives in the cloud.

Rather than your own physical computer interacting with each website, you stream a remote web browser instead, one that lives on a compelling computer many miles away with its own 1,000Mbps connection to the internet.

Unexpectedly, your good internet connection would feel like one of the super-fast internet connections in the globe. With websites loading nigh-instantly and fast web apps running efficiently without monopolizing your RAM, CPU, GPU, and battery, regardless of the number of tabs you have open — because the only thing your computer is doing is successfully streaming a video of that remote computer (similar as Netflix, YouTube, Google Stadia, and so forth) while sending your keyboard and mouse commands to the cloud.

Skeptical? I definitely am, yet perhaps not for a reason, you'd think — because I attempted this specific idea nearly a decade ago, and it goes into practice. In 2012, cloud gaming pioneer OnLive introduced a virtual desktop web browser that would allow you to load full websites on an iPad in the blink of an eye and stream 4K video from YouTube. (Quite the feat in 2012!) It is the fastest web browser you've at any point utilized, and OnLive's asking price was simply $5 a month.

IT'S A Verified Concept

Cloud desktop service providers like Shadow have also given similar capabilities; when you lease their gaming-PCs-in-the-cloud ($12-15 a month), you can utilize those virtual PCs' implicit web browsers to get similar speeds, thanks to the fact they typically live in data centers with not many hops to (and conceivably direct peering arrangements with) major content delivery networks.


Mighty claims that by focusing on the browser (rather than recreating an entire Windows PC), it can give more individuals what they actually want. . “Most people want an experience where the underlying OS and the application (the browser) interoperate seamlessly versus having to tame two desktop experiences,” founder Suhail Doshi commented at Hacker News. Mighty claims it'll eliminate distracting cookies and ads, automatically inform you about Zoom meetings, quick search Google Docs and probably different integrations to come. Mighty also states it encrypts your data and keystrokes, among other security promises.

In any case, it's not totally obvious why it costs a great deal more, or who would pay $30 a month for such a membership — you'd think the kinds of individuals who can afford a monthly browser bill on top of their monthly internet bill would be the same kinds of individuals who can manage a faster PC and faster internet in any case. Gigabit fiber is already a reality for some homes, and dislike Mighty will utilize your iffy 25/3 connection into a gigabit one; At the same time, Doshi reveals to me it'll technically operate with a 20Mbps connection; he says he's targeting 80+Mbps households at present.

On the other hand, dislike everybody has a real choice of internet service provider, regardless of how much money they earn. As Jürgen Geuter (aka tante) points out underneath, this feels more like an indictment than innovation. It's been a decade and we actually haven't solved these problems.

I totally agree with our colleague Tom: I genuinely want to see who'd actually spend on this and why. Would you?
