Regardless of how much web browsers improve, it seems like they can't keep pace with everything we want to do. Open one too many tabs on a couple of year-old laptops, and the fan starts spinning, and battery life dips, your system starts to slow. A faster or cleaner PC may fix it; however, Mighty's startup has a diverse idea: a $30-a-month web browser that lives in the cloud. Rather than your own physical computer interacting with each website, you stream a remote web browser instead, one that lives on a compelling computer many miles away with its own 1,000Mbps connection to the internet. Unexpectedly, your good internet connection would feel like one of the super-fast internet connections in the globe. With websites loading nigh-instantly and fast web apps running efficiently without monopolizing your RAM, CPU, GPU, and battery, regardless of the number of tabs you have open — because the only thing your computer is doing is successfully streaming a video of that remote c...